Server/Realm/Cities For Newbies/Noobs

10 príspevkov

  1. Jasmine Rose and Angels says:

    Server For NOOBS/Newbies.

    I would like to suggest a dedicated server/realm/city for NOOBS/Newbies to learn the game and it's many
    intricacies to do with building, economy, chat rules, Pricing, Etiquette, Marketing, Production, Shops, etc
    Before being allowed to play the main cities with more experienced players.

    This way it reduces stress to all experienced players, and reduces stress ,anger, embarrassment, frustration of NOOBS/Newbies trying to rort and over price items.

    It would also be good if they were kept to that server till level 30, having to do many quests and a storyline to get out of the newbie/noob area to play in the main cities.
    Realm/City/Server could have restricted pricing and structures and a team of dedicated mods for that/those for noobs/newbies only.

    Thus, this set of Cities/realms/servers could be used to train Noobs/newbies before leasing them on the more experienced players and frustrating us.

    • The Atomic Monster says:

      the only problem with that is 1. most experienced players buy off of noobs because they know theyll get them cheap, 2. having half the game in 1 server and letting the few people who are already rich and level 30 to have all 20+ servers kinda ruins the idea of the game. my proposal is:

      players have a offline training area that takes players through each building and what they do BEFORE INTEGRATING THEM INTO THE GAME, that way they can make hotels and stuff without having an outragously low bid from a level 40 that they think is golden because they have no experience.

      what you are doing is segregating for personal gain and most level 30-40s are the ones who end up blanketing the server with buildings anyway.

  2. Jasmine Rose and Angels says:

    Nope,read it again,and try is the Noobs trying to set the prices, not the experienced players/

    • The Atomic Monster says:

      im anonymising names but you get the picture

      level 4: how much do I sell my small farm for
      level 34: put up a bid and see if anyone will take it
      level 28: usual price is about 10 million
      level 4: I'll sell it for 15 million
      level 28: thats to high, noone will pay that
      level 10: I sold mine for 25 million
      level 34: I'll buy it for 10 million because thats the most its worth
      level 4: you told me to bid any number I want
      level 34: look noob, i have been playing this game for a long time and you will not get a better offer.
      level 28: just go to someone else and try there if you don't get the offer you want.

      this was an actual conversation between a level 4 and a level 34 that tried to bully him into selling for the price which was set by the level 34.

      • Jasmine Rose and Angels says:

        ok, instance of bullying yes, hence why i SUGGESTED THEY BE TAUGHT THE ECONOMY AND KEPT IN THEIR OWN AREA till they were familiar with prices
        hence this suggestion leads thus to less bullying and more economic diversity.
        what is not clear is the Li of that particular persons and the bully was yes trying to get it cheaper but that is not tolerated ( Bulying ) and I have a firm stance against it.

        I also Suggested dedicated mods for that particular Newbie part or did you skip that part??
        Mods are not chosen litely, They are chosen for their skills, knowledge and dedication to the game and it's micro management.
        Hence also why I also suggested, if you have read storyline quests to get them out of the area.
        By the time they have done the storyline quests, they would be familiar with stuff.
        but not my fault ppl do not read and understand things and see the big picture.?????

  3. The Atomic Monster says:

    so the problem is that a level 34 bullied a level 4 into giving him the price he wants, and your solution is the level 4 should be culled off and taught to just accept the price that the level 34 offered.

    the LI of the building, the ROI, the amount that the high level people think it should be is irrelevant.. you cannot call for a specified group to be locked away because you don't like them, I am a level 14, i make nice little patches of real estate that look pretty, alot of players that are level 30+ come to me for real estate, in fact most of the real estate you quick buy was actually made by players level 10 and below. yes the younger players should not be doing the tutorial in the actual game, with the budget im going to assume they couldnt afford to seperate the tutorial. but to ask the developers to put players who just started into a pen because you simply don't like dealing with them is actually quite rude.

    • Jasmine Rose and Angels says:

      Yes Im aware you are level 14, and no it is not rude, that is your assumption, not my fault yet again, you assume, thus proving why Newbies need to be taught the micro-management of the game. Did you not see where i did acknowledge instance of bullying, Did you not read I have a firm stance against it or are you just reading what you like for argumentive sakes because you are closed minded???
      Yes I have you on iggy and in iggyville in game because of your lack of knowledge, I also have you on iggy because Noobs like yourself are a prime example of why I made the suggestion. Simply Putting up something which verify's my suggestion was the best thing you could have done. thanks/

      • The Atomic Monster says:

        oh no i acknowledged it, i also aknowledged your solution. when they cut off the higher levels from lower levels building who will build your estates so you can cheap everyone out and quick sell for a flip. systematically it won't work and morally its wrong. your better off getting a private city.. or you could stop being so harsh on new players..

  4. Irene Robinson says:

    I think most players assume noobs know nothing and are easy targets Isolating them is a lousy idea. A lot of noobs are actually Game Players They tend to learn fast .

    Yes I made some mistakes selling off big farms for 1/10 their value etc but I guess taking advantage of noobs is fair game.

    One thing I would love to see is Wiki updated. A half decent player with a reasonable wiki file would be a better option then the Updates for the small number of elite player upgrades (apologies to those waiting next level etc)
    Spend some time updating info for newcomers to give them a better start up

    • Official member of Investor City teamMark says:


      here you can find the average prices for buildings for yesterday:

      Our current priority are trains, big map and corporations. After that we will focus on wiki again.

      Have a nice day,

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