Bugs Reported---Report Bugs Here Only.

17 príspevkov

  1. Jasmine Rose and Angels says:

    Hello everyone,
    I am starting this Bug thread for the purpose of Reporting Bugs Here.
    Developer's will see the here and can let you all know how it is being dealt with and if it has been fixed or not. It is also a way for the same bug to be reported here instead of overflowing Jessica with reports of the same issue.

    Please, Keep your reports concise, state the bug, when it was found, the date, the problem and
    what happened as precisely as you can.

    This helps the developers know exactly what happened and what to fix.

    Thanks all.

    • Official member of Investor City teamMark says:

      Hi, no problem, we can reply here on messages.

      Have a nice day,

  2. Eniola says:

    OK here is one. I'm posting to see if other people are expriencing the same issue. I've notice that the multiple farms (big and small) with the same number of employees (5) and no managers have different prodution values for the same item. When making caviar one big farm will produce 4.7/7.5 while the other big farm will produce 22.5/24. They have the same set up so how can two farms set up the same way produce different amounts?

    • Official member of Investor City teamMark says:


      thanks for message. If you send me building numbers of that two buildings, I will check it.


      • Eniola says:

        146788 and 147048 are two exampels but it happens to quite a few big and small farms.

        • Official member of Investor City teamMark says:

          Hi Eniola,

          I check that and the production the farm producing 22.5/24 was on ok. It is bug and we will fix it in next game update.

          Thank you for help.

          • Eniola says:

            OK. Thanks for loking into it. By the way, do you know why it isn't 24/24?

            • Official member of Investor City teamMark says:

              I think you can buy the best machine, it gives you bonus +5% to production time.

  3. Jasmine Rose and Angels says:

    Last 4 days in a row, have had trouble loading with excessive load times and many refreshes, cleared the cache, history,temp, and other files and folders of the game. Worst wait time was 15mins 23 secs, before having to refresh numerous times. ended up closing the game out and coming back much later but to the same thing.

    • Official member of Investor City teamMark says:


      I found few problems in logs and fixed that. I find that Facebook upgrades one component and I changed the code, so it should work. After I fixed that, we have no more problems in logs, so hope it will work for you too.

      If not, please let me know.

      Thanks and have a nice day,

  4. Irene Robinson says:

    Orange key and safe

    Accessed this today got 2 lots of cash an the 3rd showed up as 0 energy.

    This totally pissed me off.

    was a couple of minutes later that I noticed my energy was full.

    Something isn't working here :)


    • Official member of Investor City teamMark says:

      Thanks, we will check and fix that.

      Have a nice day,

      • Official member of Investor City teamMark says:

        Peto told me, that it was already fixed, just the fix is waiting on next game update :)

  5. Gregor Plattner says:

    I have found a new bug.

    I have already 10 land. i think we can have only 10 lands max,right?
    now i tried to buy land at market(while i was aware, that i have already 10).
    now came the error-sign"You dont have the money for it" it costs 100,000 and i had 840mil(840,000,000).
    so the error shouldnt named"you dont have enough money for buying it", it should be "you have reached the maximum count of land" or so. here its not the report, that i wasnt able to buy it(because i knew, that i will not be able to buy), the report is only the error-sign text message...

    • Official member of Investor City teamMark says:

      Thank you. I added that to out ticket system, it will be fixed in one of next updates.

      Have a nice day,

  6. Steve McWilliams says:

    I increased the quality of furniture to 6, but my factories will still only manufacture quality 5.

    • Official member of Investor City teamMark says:

      Hi Steve,

      please check this image: https://www.investor-city.com/public/img/support/quality.png

      The produced quality of product is calculated from quality that you company is able to produce (quality from warehouse) and quality from resources. So if you are producing bread for example and you have Bread warehouse quality 2 and Flour quality 9, so it is averaged to 6 (9+2 / 2).

      So please check the quality of resources.

      Have a nice day,

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